ESRI Shapefile
Type of resources
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INSPIRE themes
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Protected sites with an international designation
Polygonsrepresenting depthranges in the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins
Polyline data showing the depth contours for the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins
Protected sites with a national designation
Maritime zones as defined by the INSPIRE Directive("A belt of sea defined by international treaties and conventions, where coastal State executes jurisdictional rights"), that are: Internal waters, Territorial seas, Contigous zones and EEZs.
Acoustic reflectivity data (multi beam backscatter) collected during the oceanographic cruise JAMMEGAIA22 on board of the R/V GAIA BLU by CNR.
Acoustic reflectivity data (multi beam backscatter) collected during the oceanographic cruise JAMMEGAIA22 on board of the R/V GAIA BLU by CNR.
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from 180 to 500 m water depth with a spatial resolution of 50 meters. Bathymetric surface collected during the oceanographic cruise JAMMEGAIA22 on board of the R/V GAIA BLU by CNR.
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from 1280 to 2120 water depth at 40 meters resolution. Bathymetric surface collected during the oceanographic cruise JAMMEGAIA22 on board of the R/V GAIA BLU by CNR.
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from 50 to 120 mwater depth with a spatial resolution of 2 m. Bathymetric surface collected during the oceanographic cruise JAMME GAIA 2022 on board of the R/V GAIA BLU by CNR.