Maritime zones as defined by the INSPIRE Directive("A belt of sea defined by international treaties and conventions, where coastal State executes jurisdictional rights"), that are: Internal waters, Territorial seas, Contigous zones and EEZs.
- Titolo alternativo
- Maritime zone
- Data (Pubblicazione)
- 2016-11-08
- Formato di presentazione
- Mappa digitale
- Altri dettagli
- Claus S., N. De Hauwere, B. Vanhoorne, F. Souza Dias, P. Oset García, F. Hernandez, and J. Mees (Flanders Marine Institute) (2016). Accessed at on 2016-11-08
- Titolo collettivo
- Maritime units
- Finalità
- Maritime zones of the Mediterranean Sea and of the Black Sea
- Frequenza di aggiornamento
- Irregolare
- Parole chiave
- Downloadable Data
- Parole chiave
- zone
- maritime
- territorial sea
- contigous
- exclusive economic
- eez
- internal water
- Limitazione d’uso
- Disclaimer, copyright & citation(Marine Regions)The Flanders Marine Institute manages Marine Regions, but is aware that it is not complete and undoubtedly contains errors. The Flanders Marine Institute cannot be made responsible for any errors or misuse of data contained in this register. Comments from our users are more than welcome, so if you come across any error or incomplete information or you are willing to contribute to this initiative please contact us.The data is provided "as is", and no warranty express, implied or otherwise is offered as to the data's accuracy. The developers do not imply any opinion concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The data can be used for educational, scientific or research purposes but should not be used for legal, commercial/economical (exploration of natural resources), military or navigational purposes.Anyone can download this data but it is for the sole use of the organization or individual downloading the data. The geodata may not be redistributed without the permission of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). The geodata may be used in a Value-Added Software Application (like web services), on condition that the Flanders Marine Institute is acknowledged as the source of the data. Redistribution rights are granted for hard-copy renditions or static, electronic map images (e.g., jpeg, gif, etc.) that are plotted, printed or publicly displayed with reference to the Flanders Marine Institute. For redistribution rights of derived products, please contact us at
- Tipo di rappresentazione spaziale
- Dati vettoriali
- Lingua dei metadati
- English
- Set dei caratteri dei metadati
- UTF8
- Tema
- Confini
- Descrizione dell'ambiente
- Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcGIS
- Identificatore del sistema di riferimento
- EPSG:4326
- Livello di topologia
- Solo Geometria
- Oggetto di tipo geometrico
- Composito
- Conteggio oggetto geometrico
- 103
- Formato di distribuzione
ESRI Shapefile
- Specifiche
ESRI Shapefile
- Livello
- Dataset
- Genealogia del dato – Processo di produzione
- This dataset originates from a collection of data in the framework of the CoCoNet project. All features in this dataset come from
- Identificatore del file di metadati
- 437eda6d-62b7-48c0-a833-cdda492f6674 XML
- Lingua dei metadati
- English
- Set dei caratteri dei metadati
- UTF8
- Livello gerarchico
- Dataset
- Nome del livello gerarchico
- dataset
- Data dei metadati
- 2022-07-25T17:25:29
- Nome dello Standard dei metadati
- ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
- Versione dello Standard dei metadati
- 2007