Backscatter Linosa 2016
Acoustic backscatter data collected through the use of a Reson SeaBat 7125 high-resolution multibeam system
- Data (Creazione)
- 2016
- Data (Pubblicazione)
- 2018
- Identificatore
- Data (Pubblicazione)
- 2018-10-13
- Altri dettagli
- How to cite this data: Innangi, S., Tonielli, R., Romagnoli, C. et al. Seabed mapping in the Pelagie Islands marine protected area (Sicily Channel, southern Mediterranean) using Remote Sensing Object Based Image Analysis (RSOBIA). Mar Geophys Res 40, 333–355 (2019).
- Identificatore
- Data (Pubblicazione)
- 2024-11-18
- Crediti
- Status
- Completato
Fornitore della risorsa
National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR)
Sara Innangi
Calata Porta Di Massa Porto Di Napoli, 80
Fornitore della risorsa
National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR)
Gabriella di Martino
Calata Porta Di Massa Porto Di Napoli, 80
Ricercatore principale
National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR)
Renato Tonielli
Calata Porta Di Massa Porto Di Napoli, 80
- Frequenza di aggiornamento
- Secondo necessità
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Geology
- Continents, countries, sea regions of the world.
- Italy
- Strait of Sicily
- Mediterranean Sea
- Platform Type
- research vessel
- Survey type
- Geophysics
- Cartography
- Collection method
- Sonar system
- Device
- Multibeam
- Swath type
- Seabed reflectivity
- Parole chiave
- linosa island
- pelagie islands
- nbfc
- Limitazione d’uso
- Do not use for navigation
- Vincoli di fruibilità
- Licenza
- Altri vincoli
- CC BY NC 4.0
- Vincoli di accesso
- Licenza
- Altri vincoli
- CC BY NC 4.0
- Classificazione
- Non riservato
- Identificatore aggregato del dataset
- d6fe640d-dfc0-4868-8463-a60a827892d6
- Tipo di associazione
- Parte del database senza soluzione di continuità
- Tipo di iniziativa
- Studio
- Tipo di rappresentazione spaziale
- Dati raster
- Lingua dei metadati
- English
- Set dei caratteri dei metadati
- UTF8
- Tema
- Quote e prodotti derivati
- Informazioni geoscientifiche

- Informazioni supplementari
- none
- Identificatore del sistema di riferimento
- EPSG:32633 - WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N
- Livello di topologia
- Solo Geometria
- Oggetto di tipo geometrico
- Superficie
- Conteggio oggetto geometrico
- 1
- Formato di distribuzione
National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR)
- Risorsa online
Scientific paper
Innangi et al, 2018
- Livello
- Modello
- Dataset
- Seafloor reflectivity
- Data (Pubblicazione)
- 2023-07-01
- Spiegazione
- Validated in Geonetwork according to the ISO19115 rules (25/25) and the INSPIRE rules (30/30)
- Pass
- Yes
- Genealogia del dato – Processo di produzione
- Geophysical data were collected by the Institute for Coastal Marine Environment of the National Research Council (IAMC-CNR) of Naples (Italy) around Lampedusa and Linosa islands down to 50 m and to 190 m of depth, respectively (see “MBES lines” in Fig. 2), during two oceanographic surveys, “Lampedusa 2015” and “Linosa 2016”. Both surveys were performed using a pole-mounted Reson SeaBat 7125 400 kHz MBES, providing sub-centimetric resolution. The vessels were equipped with an Omnistar Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and an IxSea Octans 3000 gyrocompass and motion sensor that provided positioning data (with sub-meter accuracy) and attitude data (0.01° accuracy). A Valeport miniSVS sound velocity probe and a sound velocity profler were used to provide the real-time surfcial sound speed for the beam steering and the velocity profle required for the depth computation. The Reson PDS2000 version was used for logging and processing MBES bathymetric data: tide data, recorded during acquisition, were applied to all dataset to set up the real depth before starting the despiking process to generate a fnal 2.5 × 2.5 m resolution grid model. Backscatter data were also collected by MBES systems as snippet data (De Falco et al. 2010; Innangi et al. 2015). Snippet data processing was carried out using FMGeocoder Toolbox (FMGT) in Fledermaus 7.6 version (QPS 2016). These data were corrected for receiver gain, transmit power, transmit pulse width, spherical spreading, attenuation in the water column, area of ensonifcation, beam pattern, speckle noise and, fnally and most importantly, for angular dependence and local slope (Mallace 2012; Fledermaus 2016). The fnal mosaic was exported as a geo-referenced TIFF image with a 2.5 m pixel size and imaged using a grey scale in which higher backscatter values correspond to darker areas. A range of signal values spanning from − 60 to −25 dB was adopted in the maps. The MBES used for this study was not calibrated to obtain absolute backscatter levels. Consequently, backscatter data presented are in relative (dB) units and cannot be compared with absolute values reported in other studies, as in De Falco et al. (2010). However, the backscatter facies have been locally calibrated with groundtruth information derived from sea-bottom samples and video images, enabling to infer the nature of the different substrata.
- Identificatore del file di metadati
- 071f3fa5-414b-4fe4-9adc-7d6389da679f XML
- Lingua dei metadati
- English
- Set dei caratteri dei metadati
- UTF8
- Livello gerarchico
- Modello
- Nome del livello gerarchico
- Seafloor reflectivity
- Data dei metadati
- 2024-11-11T13:46:53
- Nome dello Standard dei metadati
- ISO 19115:2003/19139
- Versione dello Standard dei metadati
- 1.0