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    Geoportal implemented in the framework of the CORSUB Project to manage multidisciplinary spatial data at Project Area scale

  • Type of substrate characterizing the seabed (i.e. rock, sand, pelite).

  • Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at 102x102 meters cell resolution showing the topography and the water depth of the CORSUB study area.

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    Areas of interest characterized by groups of mysterious metrical sub-circular structures of unknown origin (no similar record was found in the literature) revealed by remote sensing data (Bracchi, unpublished thesis).

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    Grab samples revealed the occurrences of living CCA (Bracchi, unpublished thesis), even though they never clarified the occurrence of reefs such as coralligenous, nor the reason for such unique shapes.

  • Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with a 15x15 meters cell resolution showing the topography and the water depth of the study area.

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    Areas planned for the first CORSUB survey. The geophysical acquisition will cover these specific areas and will include both side scan sonar (SSS) and sub-bottom profiling systems (SBP).

  • Sub-bottom chirp seismic profiles.

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    Biological component of the benthic habitat map of the Campania Region produced in the framework of the FEAMP-ISSPA Project by CNR-ISMAR

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    Web Map Service (WMS) providing spatial layers produced by the CORSUB Project